Monday, March 11, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Women Make Excellent Comedy Writers

I read an article recently that was kind of a bummer, because it mentioned that many men in power within the entertainment industry don't think women are as funny as men, so they don't see a need to hire them as writers on comedy shows.  Poo poo on them, is what I say. (Also, please hire me and I will gladly prove you wrong, sir.) Another thing I say? Here are the Top 10 reasons women make excellent comedy writers:

10) Women are humans. Unlike, say, dolphins, humans have thumbs and are able to hold utensils that can be used to write comedy (pens, pencils, etc.).

9) Women speak a language. I'm generalizing, of course. Some woman somewhere does not comprehend any language known to our species. Overall, though, I'd say it's a safe bet to assume most women speak at least one language.

8) Women can talk. Sitcom stories are usually broken in a room with several writers sitting around a table talking. Women can talk. Oh, my, can we talk.

7) Women have senses of humor. What?! Yes, I've said it. Not every person who laughs at a joke has a penis.

6) Women have relationships with other people. One important component to being a good writer, comedy or otherwise, is some sort of understanding for how people interact with one another. Interacting with people is a good way to learn how people interact.

5) Women have life experiences. Living through adolescence, college, marriage, parenthood, divorce, aging, illness, etc. gives a person plenty to draw on in coming up with funny stories. Men experience those things. So do women.

4) Women have points of view. I don't mean that women have the female point of view (as if there were just one). I mean that women are individual human beings who each have a point of view. If a woman thinks babies are jerks, is it any less of a point of view than if a man thinks babies are jerks?

3) Women have pain. It's been said a million times: comedy comes from pain. Straight white males do not have a monopoly on pain.

2) Women have brains. Crafting a strong, funny, believable story and writing it well is a lot of work. The person doing it should most certainly have a brain.

1) Women are FUNNY.

It should be noted that all of these reasons could also apply to men. That's my point, really. Gender shouldn't factor in when deciding who is or isn't a good comedy writer.


  1. And I laughed several times reading this. More proof!

  2. I'm sneaky like that... ;-)

  3. Yes! #1 especially!
