Friday, April 26, 2013

Shot Lister - An App for Shot Listing

Still From 'Unsolved'
Broken arm and all, I'm in the middle of directing a short film. An ambitious, period piece, kind of elaborate short film. I have often kicked myself in the butt looking at footage after the fact and wishing I had gotten another angle, or remembered a shot I planned that I didn't get on set.

I have often made shot lists, or stick figure storyboards. These all work to some extent, but feel like more work than helpful tool. Well, trough the wonder that is Twitter I found out about this great app for the iPad and iPhone. 

Check out the video and see for yourself how flexible this tool can be. My DP simply loved being able to reference what I wanted on the fly. You can buy it for $13.99 at the App store.

Shot Lister in Action

*Do you have a helpful resource you’d like to promote? Do you know about a great resource to share with the Broads? Contact me to be a part of helpful resource Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Matt Rodriguez11:16 AM

    Shot list is an awesome app. I've been using celtx, shot lister and Action Pro ( ) Those apps together have helped me create and finish my projects much faster. I'm still learning about movie making and i hope to one day make my first feature film
