Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creating Karma at the Laemmle

Some of the Broads showed up for the premiere of Jill Wisoff's Creating Karma at the downtown Laemmle. Donna Wheeler and I took a snap in front of the screening room marquis. We all want our films to be there.

We all shared some news about what we're doing next. Donna's making a short-short for the Green Screen Film Festival no-fee category which I am helping put together. You can too if you do it soon. Check out the info at and click on the Community Shorts tab. Michelle Clay is working as an editor and trying to put together funds for her next feature, Tony and Leo.

As for Jill, she was tired from all the prep leading up to the release but she's got no time to rest. On to AFM in November to see if she can sell the film. Kudos to a Broad making farce, the hardest kind of comedy to tackle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi just to let you all know CREATING KARMA, against all odds as it's been so last minute, got booked into an East Coast theater within a week after I got back from LA and we're having our east coast opening November 13-19 in the Bethel Cinema an arthouse that services a large region of Ct. within commuting distance of Manhattan...

    We are waiting on one theater in Manhattan to decide if they can find screening times for us but as we were offered the LA screening out of the blue, it's quite hard to get availabilities so quickly and so close to Xmas and were lucky this space was offered so that we're able to advertise in the NY Times and get that punch of public awareness for the film before it moves to other platforms.

    Meantime, we've been personally invited to submit the film into a major cable network. Then a vod provider for cable contacted me personally in the last couple of days to invite me to submit. Because of the amount of press, publicity and media I had to create for this screening as well as preparation to release the film on dvd in time for xmas, I was unable to attend the afm but we're on target with our goals to reach domestic distribution and will pursue foreign sales after this time through future markets and outreach.

    Though the LA screening was distressing with the quality of projection which had the contrast ratio through the roof as a result of sharing settings and a demand to match media output with another film (this was not the fault of the Laemmle the arrangement was through an outside party that booked the film and is a good lesson in what not to accept in a screening arrangement but I didn't know better) and sync issues for both films that later were discovered in the dvds that hadn't been output with a 5 frame trim adjust to compensate for the fcp settings at a dupe place, though we were suppossed to have screened off the dvcam not the dvd "safety", was to see these problems before moving onto our east coast screenings where we're expecting large audiences, and our new submissions.

    I am grateful for the experience for these reasons and the wonderful experience of meeting up with friends I see so rarely who live in LA and the talented women from Broad Humor with many thanks again to the support and insights Susan diRende provided both on filmmaking and perspective on this business.
